Antique, Primitives, Tools,and Collectibles Auction

The following will be offered at Public Auction on the site located at

TMS Storage  1615 Burlington Avenue, Kewanee IL

Saturday, May 6th 9:00 AM – Note Time

ANTIQUES and COLLECTIBLES: old railroad crossing lights, brackets, and signs with reflective eyes, large and small hand well pumps including Peter’s Pumps from Kewanee, barn pulleys,wooden loft ladder, license plates 1920’s-1970s, Army gas cans, large aluminum Army storage boxes withlids, 1955 Masonic Temple Kewanee coins, ice tongs, horse shoes, straps and horse reins, unique cast iron pieces, old galvanized buckets and containers, 3 old service station sign posts, hanging light fixtures, sad irons, collection of sad iron trivets, tin tractor seats,vintage railroad crossing bell,large collection of glass insulators, blacksmith anvils, Kewanee BoilerCompany panoramic photo, old cream separator bases, old porcelain crocks, vintage glass and brass oilers collection, hubcaps, brass headlights(model A style), model A type wrenches and gauges, old sewing machine bases, old games and toys, 2 old Case tractor fenders, Kewanee Walworth pieces, old wooden beer cooler, 1911 Standard Oil Co. 56 gallon oil barrel, Texaco and Shell lube station lids, old barn top lightning rod pieces, cast iron shelf brackets, glass display shelving and brackets, Kewanee milk and beer bottles, metal top library table, old phones, old marble tops, Budweiser beer steins and collectibles, bar light collection including PBR, Old Style, Stag and others, vintage Rock Island railroad oil cans,large hanging sign brackets, vintage thermometers, old political buttons, old tricycles, sled, street stop light, barn lanterns, cast iron valves, Griswold waffle maker, street signs,2 old hard sided motorcycleside bags and brackets,mason jars,toy tractors, glass beer schooners, old wooden ladders, wrought iron panels, Wistrand Mfg. hand pump handle Galva, Hayes Pump Co. pieces Galva, Kewanee Bricks,rare tobacco/pipe/smoking stand, Pepsi and 7-Up wood crates, old metal blade table fans,Kewanee yard sticks, rare kids Indian electric riding motorcycle, pedal tractor, Hardees cars and trucks, Disney, McDonalds and Hardees drinking glasses, old PBR beer banks, clocks, cigar boxes, old cow horn cutters, Harley collectibles, brass National cash register panels, ice cream parlor stools, padlocks, 2 Pace Setter whiskey tractor decanters ,2- 5 light cast iron street lights, 4 large cast iron poles w. bases, original stainless Chautauqua Park 27’ slide and ladder, Model A style front axle w/ wheels and tires, 2 large barn doors with tracks,old tools and hand saws, marbles, depression glass, large variety of old rusty desirables and unique trinkets

HOUSEHOLD AND MISCELANEOUS:  Samsung front load washing machine,6 sheets of underlayment, approximately 50 sheets of wood paneling, stainless steel rinse tray 48” X 29” with base,wooden kitchen cabinets, weight bench, golf balls, industrial carpet cleaner, hydraulic automotive brake bleeder, propane heater, DeWalt impact gun, too much cool stuff to list so don’t miss out.

Todd Smith – Seller

Auction conducted by:

Guthrie Auction Company

Annawan, IL  309-945-6120

Auctioneer Mark Guthrie License No. #440000575

Guthrie Auction Company serves as an agent for the seller and assumes no liability of any kind.

Number system used.Cash or Good Check on Auction Day. ID required.

Not Responsible for Accidents or Items After Restrooms All items sold as is.

Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material

Todd will have another auction of great collectibles on May 20th!

Great Childs Indian Motorcycle riding toy
Stand/ladder is included

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